Spotlight on Aimee Dow Cosmetics

beauty, PEI Girlbosses

As a makeup artist, I’m always excited when I hear about a great new beauty product – especially if it’s local! While many of my skin care products are locally made (more on that in the future!), most of my makeup is from Sephora, MAC, or other big brands, as it’s rare to find a local boutique company that boasts high quality. That’s why I was beyond excited when I learned that fellow PEI makeup artist, Aimee Dow, had created her own line of liquid lipsticks and launched her own company, Aimee Dow Cosmetics!

I’m always curious and full of questions when people launch new businesses, so I couldn’t wait to get my hands on a few of samples of her lipsticks, ask her all about her inspiration for the passion project, and just generally get to know her a bit better. (After all, we work in the same industry but never get to actually work together!)

Savannah: What inspired you to become a makeup artist?
Aimee: Makeup has always been a passion of mine. Since the age of 12, I have been completely enchanted by makeup and all of the possibilities you can create with makeup. I can still remember getting into my mother’s Amway Artistry makeup, and I was completely fascinated by all of the beautiful colours, textures, and different uses of it. I still feel this way now, and I would say my passion has only grown over the years. I’ve always dreamed of being a makeup artist owning my own cosmetics line. To say that those dreams have now both come true is so surreal, and I am so thankful for every opportunity I have been given.

S: What is your favourite makeup style or trend right now?
A: As we move into spring and summer, I am all about minimalistic makeup with fresh looking skin and a bright pop of color on the lips. I love a good dewy golden highlighter that makes you look perfectly sun-kissed and like you’re glowing from within. I’ve been going for more of the natural fresh-skinned look lately, and I think it is going to be a huge trend for this spring and summer season.

S: What is a makeup mistake that you wish people knew how to fix?
A: Brows! I would hate to make anyone feel bad, but I do feel a little uneasy when I see brows that are too dark, too warm, too thin, too bushy/unkempt or just not shaped the right way for their face. Brows really are so important, and they frame the face. If the brows look wrong, then it can mess up your entire look.

S: Tell me about a career highlight you’ve had.
A: There have been many noteworthy highlights but the most recent is creating Aimee Dow Cosmetics – a cosmetics company, primarily focusing on liquid lipstick for now, that I truly believe in. I can’t tell how much money I have spent on searching for a perfect liquid lipstick, the kind that is moisturizing but stays on. After forking out tons of money, I was still finding faults in all the formulas I tried, only to be left disappointed and defeated. I thought I would never find exactly what I was looking for. So, since creating a makeup line of my own has always been in the back of my mind, I took charge and did loads of research. I searched for manufacturers from all over the world, some nights being up until 3AM talking with companies overseas. I finally settled on three manufacturers that I was really impressed with, and the work begun. After months of back-and-forth, and lots of testers, I finally had my hands on my dream formulas… and they were all mine! I am so proud to say that my liquid lipsticks are perfection in my eyes. They are the perfect mix of moisturizing and long-wearing, and all of which are incredibly pigmented. So, this for me was a huge success in my books, and definitely my biggest career highlight to date! I am a proud mama!

S: You’re heading to a desert island and allowed to bring five beauty items – what are they?
A: I’ll have to play it safe on this one, and makeup will need to take a back-seat! That hurts a little! But, I would definitely take my essentials which are:
1. SUNSCREEN! So important to preserve your skin from the damage the sun can cause!
2. Body wash that could double as shampoo…. I mean, do I need to explain?
3. A nourishing moisturizer to help repair my skin, if damaged, and keep it moisturized.
4. A razor.. again, need I explain?
5. A moisturizing SPF lip balm to help prevent my lips from becoming cracked, damaged, and dry.

S: What is something you wish more people would ask you about?
A: I actually don’t like to talk too much about myself but I love hearing all about what’s going on in your world! I find it awkward to talk about myself too much with others, so I often try to redirect the conversation. I love to help others, and I think that is why I also became an RN. I wish people would ask me more about self-help questions because I truly love helping others search for answers related to their health, and I love making suggestions when I can. I love talking about the brain and the chemicals involved, and I also love talking about different illnesses and why they are brought about. I love solving health problems, it makes me feel good and almost like an FBI agent!


Favourite colour:
Most people would think it is pink, but my favourite colour of all is actually blue. There’s just so many gorgeous tones of blue! Plus, something about blue reminds me of blue skies and gorgeous shimmering blue waters and just enjoying nature. Everything about it represents calmness for me and I like that.

Lucky number:
I would have to say 5… Don’t ask why, though!

Fave self care method:
I love a good face mask and a nice bubble bath! Right now I am loving the Charlotte Tilbury Dry Facial Sheet Mask – so luxurious feeling and leaves you looking so refreshed. Who wouldn’t dig that?!

Fave TV show or movie:
Hands down, “This is us” – I instantly fell in love with that show and it’s even one my husband enjoys too. So, any show that we can watch and both enjoy together is definitely a fave!

What are you listening these days:
It’s actually kind of funny because my playlist is literally all over the place. I am a small-town country girl, so I can appreciate George Jones (I know, right?) but I also love the complete opposite as well, like Post Malone or Cardi B. All time faves for me though would have to be Rihanna, Beyonce, and Nicki Minaj. I’ll admit, my playlist recently has had Post Malone and 90’s music on repeat – can’t go wrong with either… right? So all over the place. For the most part, I like to listen to music that I can relate to and I love that about music. There’s a song for every mood!

Favourite season in PEI:
I’m definitely a summer girl. For me, and probably many others, there is something about the warm weather and sunshine that makes me feel 100%.

Dead or alive, who do you wish you could meet:
Personally, I think it would be cool to have a chat with Princess Diana. I also think Oprah would be an amazing individual to have a conversation with. I think there would be so many different and interesting conversations you could easily have with both. They both are two very inspirational women, and I’m all about that!

Favourite quote:
“Life’s too short.”
Short and sweet, but it reminds you to always keep what is important to you at the forefront and close to your heart. Hold on to the ones you love, and take every opportunity that comes your way. If they don’t come your way, do what you can to create them. Make your dreams a reality. Do what makes you happy…because life really is too short. Don’t you think?

…I agree! And life is also too short to be wearing bad lipstick, so head over to Aimee Dow Cosmetics and find your new favourite hue! (Hot tip: my personal fave is ‘Romance‘).